529 Sicilian made in sicily;
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   typical spices, blends of herbs and dried and dehydrated vegetables ready for use; enclosing the scent of ancient aromas flavors of Sicily. excellent for bruschetta, or to grilled fish and assorted meats and inevitable for seasoning first courses of pasta dishes.
Spezia Aglio a scaglie essiccato cf. da 150 ml. boccia vetro

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GPB.£ 3,04 / US$ 3,70
brand GardenSicily
Spice - Dried Flake Garlic
150 ml - Thanks to the special cut, it becomes much more digestible and less heavy
  ml.150 / fl oz.5.07
Spezia Basilico Secco in foglie cf da 150 ml.

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GPB.£ 3,08 / US$ 3,75
brand GardenSicily
Spice - Basil Dry at leaves
150 ml - Dry spice in leaves, The basil is nicknamed the royal herb (Accompanied w
  ml.150 / fl oz.5.07
Spezie Peperoncino intero Essiccato in Polvere

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GPB.£ 3,08 / US$ 3,75
brand GardenSicily
Spice - Entire Chili pepper dried / Whole Dried Chili
150 ml - The chili pepper are crushed before use until you have a fine powder (It
  ml.150 / fl oz.5.07
Spezia  Peperoncino Tritato cf. da 150 ml. in boccia vetro

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GPB.£ 2,94 / US$ 3,58
brand GardenSicily
Spice - Dry Chopped Chili Pepper
150 ml - Chopped dry spice, Thanks to fine grain it is easier to distribute it uni
  ml.150 / fl oz.5.07
Spezia per Spaghettata Italiana - Preparato pronto da 150 ml

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GPB.£ 3,63 / US$ 4,42
brand GardenSicily
Spice for Italian spaghetti , Prepared food
150 ml - ideal concoction for to taste the famous spaghetti garlic, oil and chili.
  ml.150 / fl oz.5.07
Spezie Semi di Quinoa selezionata cf. da150 ml. Spezia Fine

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GPB.£ 3,04 / US$ 3,70
brand Gardensicily

  ml.150 / fl oz.5.07
1 Kg Pale di Fico India Nopal SICILIA Genuine commestibili
Recipe with product use
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GPB.£ 9,84 / US$ 11,98

  lb.2.2 (kg.1)
Spezia Origano Secco in foglie cf. da 150 ml. boccia vetro

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GPB.£ 3,08 / US$ 3,75
brand GardenSicily
Spice - Oregano Dry at leaves
150 ml - Dried spice in intense and strong taste leaves, typical of Sicilian orega
  ml.150 / fl oz.5.07
Spezia Rosmarino tritato da 150 ml.

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GPB.£ 2,99 / US$ 3,64
brand GardenSicily
Spice - Dried Chopped Rosemary
150 ml - Thanks to the particular mincing becomes much more digestible and less he
  ml.150 / fl oz.5.07
Spezia Aglio finemente in polvere ed essiccato, cf. 150 ml.

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GPB.£ 3,04 / US$ 3,70
brand GardenSicily
Spice - Finely chopped Garlic and dried
150 ml - Flaky dry spice: Thanks to the special cut it becomes much more digestibl
  ml.150 / fl oz.5.07
Spezie Curry in Polvere da 150 ml. Curry è mix di spe

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GPB.£ 3,04 / US$ 3,70
brand Gardensicily

  ml.150 / fl oz.5.07
spezie Curcuma Macina Fine selezionata cf da 150 ml.
Recipe with product use
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GPB.£ 2,94 / US$ 3,58
brand 0Gardensicily

  ml.150 / fl oz.5.07
Spezia ROSMARINO Tritato Secco Fine da 150 ml.

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GPB.£ 3,22 / US$ 3,92
brand Gardensicily

  ml.150 / fl oz.5.07
Spezia Semi di Avena da 150 ml.

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GPB.£ 4,14 / US$ 5,04 ++++
brand Gardensicily

  ml.150 / fl oz.5.07
Spezie Zenzero in Polvere da 150 ml.

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GPB.£ 4,14 / US$ 5,04
brand Gardensicily

  ml.150 / fl oz.5.07
Spezie Aglio secco fine a Fettine (tipo patitina) cf. 100 ml

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GPB.£ 3,22 / US$ 3,92 +++++
brand Gardensicily

  ml.100 / fl oz.3.38
Spezie Semi di Coriandolo in perle da 150 ml.

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GPB.£ 3,22 / US$ 3,92
brand Gardensicily

  ml.150 / fl oz.5.07
Spezie Aghi di Timo da 100 ml. Spezia Timo x Mal di Gola

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GPB.£ 3,08 / US$ 3,75
brand Gardensicily

  ml.100 / fl oz.3.38
Spezie Semi di Lino da 150 ml.  Spezia di Lino Fine

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GPB.£ 3,04 / US$ 3,70
brand Gardensicily

  ml.150 / fl oz.5.07
Spezia Bacche Rosa Disidratate (detto pure Pepe Rosa) 15o ml

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GPB.£ 3,08 / US$ 3,75 +++++
brand Gardensicily

  ml.150 / fl oz.5.07
Spezie Cardamomo Verde Essiccato cf. 100 ml. in boccia vetro

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GPB.£ 3,04 / US$ 3,70
brand Gardensicily

  ml.100 / fl oz.3.38
Mondo Spezie kit 20 spezie da 50 ml. cad con manuale di 10pg

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GPB.£ 20,70 / US$ 25,20
brand 0Gardensicily

  ml.20 da 50 ml. cad. / fl oz.0.676
Spezia CHIODI DI GAROFONO intero Secco Fine da 150 ml

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GPB.£ 3,59 / US$ 4,37
brand Gardensicily

  ml.150 / fl oz.5.07
Tè Matcha, The Verde Matcha in Polvere, Vegano 100%

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GPB.£ 12,88 / US$ 15,68 ++++

  ml.80 ml. / fl oz.2.704
Spezia Maggiorana ( Origanum majorana ) cf da 100 ml.

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GPB.£ 4,37 / US$ 5,32
brand 0roEtna GardenSicily
Spice - Maggiorana ( Origanum majorana )
The marjoram has an aroma similar to oregano, but more delicate and sophisticated.
  ml.100 / fl oz.3.38
Spezia Sale alle Erbe - condimento pronto per ottimi piatti

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GPB.£ 3,36 / US$ 4,09
brand GardenSicily
Spice - Herbal Salt
Ingredients: 60% salt, oregano, parsley, rosemary, chilli.
  ml.200 / fl oz.6.76
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