530 Orange Blossom Honey - 100% Certified Biological Product, of gardensicily here authenticity and flavors of Sicily Your Website Title
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Product: Orange Blossom Honey - 100% Certified Biological Product(5177);
order Orange Blossom Honey - 100% Certified Biological Product Orange Blossom Honey - 100% Certified Biological Product
brand   0roEtna
GPB.£ 4,32 / US$ 5,26
       all prices include taxes (VAT)
Terms: local production
luscious aromatic
oz.4.4 (gr.125)
36 months
   Conservare in luogo fresco, asciutto e al riparo dalla luce
Generally sent within 2-3 gg
125 gr - It is a honey rich in purifying properties and gives relief to stomach disorders. Reconstructive and detoxifyi
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Product Details:
  Zone: Zafferana Etnea  Conservare in luogo fresco, asciutto e al riparo dalla luce   125 gr. Arancio  
 36 mesi  Giallo Chiaro      
 brand 0roEtna  Dolce Aromatico   SKU: (5177)   9 - miele puro -   Manuale / Scheda T.

_ Relaxing. Useful against insomnia and headache. - Sedative, for nervous, anxious people. - Used for delicious sweets. - Flavor: Sweet and delicate. - Combine with: Drinks, sweets and soft cheese. - Honey may cristallize, this is natural. Even after the expiry date this is preserved for several years. - NOTES: preserve in a cool, dry place ; Protect it from light.

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At Zafferana Etnea, a honey town, where honey is breathed in every corner. . . in every inhabitant, and a passage of obligation to reach the east side of the highest European volcano, is home to the C0STA farm, which for decades has honey, Pure Honey, thanks to the hundreds of hives spread in its volcanic soils. The company also specializes in Honey derivatives of the best organoleptic qualities. Recently, thanks to new land plots always on the slopes of Etna, he has also created an extra-virgin olive oil of the highest quality.
The genuineness and excellence of the products is ensured by constant controls and analysis carried out by the best recognized structures at European level.



£.4,32 /$.5,26 GPB.£ 4,19 / US$ 5,11 Scontato 4,56
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